Wednesday 30 May 2012

9s Shutter Speed Vocabulary

Shutter. It allows light to pass through in  to the camera and on to the film.

Shutter Speeds.

Shutter Priority. It's a setting on a camera that allows you to choose a specific shutter speed.

Exposure. It's the total amount of light you let in to your camera at a current time.

Aperture. It's a hole close to you lens that allows light through.

ISA/ASA. It's when your camera responds to light.

Bulb. It's a shutter speed setting on an adjustable camera that allows for long exposure times.

Cable Release. It's a thing on the camera that allows you to photograph a thing from a distance.

Tripod. It;s used to stabilize the camera and elevate it.

Bracketing. It's a techinique used to take several shots of a subject with diffrent shutter speed.

Slow Shutter Speed

Fast Shutter Speed


Painting with Lights

Multiple Exposure/Experiment

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